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US News & World Report
Job hopping used to be a resume red flag, but employers are increasingly overlooking it to hire top talent.
Gotham Magazine
Linkedin Fatigue is a real thing. Blindly reaching out to everybody you (and your overbearing mother) know is exhausting.
You know how when you trip walking down the street, it feels like every stranger is staring at you in amusement? Making a mistake at work can evoke the same sensation. Your heart starts pounding, you feel like you're being observed by everybody—including your boss—and for a brief moment, your whole career flashes before your eyes.
I recently spoke with someone who is looking for a job and saw two separate listings for a retail position she is interested in.
Tribune Content Agency
According to the recent Job Applicant Behavior Survey from Zety, 83% of job seekers apply to jobs for which they are overqualified and 74% apply to jobs for which they are underqualified. Should these applicants address the fact that they know they are over/under qualified in the cover letter to enhance their chances of being contacted for an interview?
A fancy job title or a pay raise? Chasing those director-level titles may have been the norm for many professionals, but in the current employment world, many people are opting for the latter.